Grey areas and Relationships


The thing about Grey areas are that they are places for bad harvest. There are seeds that grow in dark areas, and some that need light. I as an introverted personality, I appreciate knowing what to look forward to. I need schedules, I plan everything.
    Lets think in harvest terms for a second. You may be trying to feed a seed positive energy, not realizing it still needs light to succeed. What am I talking about, what are the seeds in reference to? People!
          We seeds, decide on the types of relationships we want to aquire.  
     Relationships are what I reference energy to. There is good energy and bad, positive and negative.


    Well there’s this phrase, “black and white.” We use this term when it comes to technicality, or by the book, per say. Even tho we have guidelines and rules, there are those times that you have to just wing it and hope for the best.
Example: a small cup of coffee is .99
    A medium cup is 1.59
You’re out of small cups, your customer uses the medium cup but doesn’t fill it up because she only has 1.05.
Your manager is in a meeting, you have a long line and in order to ring her up you have to scan the cup. Which will read 1.59. Now your drawer is short .54
  This is a grey area. Your boss may or may not understand, but there was no particular rule about what to do if… And that, is called a grey area.
   While grey areas can have a negative impact, they do have the potential to produce great positive harvest. (A new law or rule may come about ) I dont like potential. I dont have the time to invest in anyones potential other than mine. Otherwise, I’d be a producer. I like what is and what isn’t. With that point being made, I’m not great in dealing in grey areas with “friends”. I’m not even comfortable using the word friend considering how watered down social media has made it. FRIENDS.
      So here’s my problem and probably 98% of most introverts. We either really love the crap out of you and will be the BEST friend you’ve ever had – OR – we really freaking hate you and can’t bear the sight or sound of you. There is no in between, I repeat there is no in between. No Grey areas for us, why?
    Simple. We can’t be sure if its genuine. Say you and a friend of a few years have a fight. You two make up and start hanging out. Whose to say he or she is not side eyeing you, or you’re not side eyeing them. How do you know to trust each other.
     What if it’s that awkward force-friendship? You know deep down inside it will never be the same, but the other person trying to blow energy on it.
      There’s only one way to get past this Grey area. Talk about what happened! If you truly think you could be friends again, talk. If it’s still a sensitive topic, or one person isnt ready to talk about it, the freindship won’t be ready either.
       Someone has to take responsibility on what happened. For me, this has to happen, I can’t move forward with grey area friends, my heart is too genuine and I wear too many hats. If I’m gonna wear any hat it can’t be grey. I’m too structured for that.
      They say that area between black and white, that’s where life happens; not when it comes to my friends, I want to know who’s who!

God protect me from my friends; I can handle my enemies ~Vickie Stringer~

3 thoughts on “Grey areas and Relationships

  1. I loved this introspection! Great build from where you started and the idea of touching upon the differences between extroverts & introverts is delightful to me as I am constantly thinking about this myself. I have a private blog that I literally just wrote about the same things and resolutions for March. Keeping it real!


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